Friday, February 4, 2011

6 mo checkup

MJ had his 6 mo chkup and shots last week.
He weighs a whopping 20lbs 9oz (90th percentile)
He is 27 inches long (75th percentile)
and his headsize is in the 91st percentile...poor babes has a big noggen. haha!
MJ's new favorite mode of transportation is scooting while in the sitting position on his butt. Its hilarious.
He also is a big crawler now....oh yeah but he can only go backwards. This is very frustrating to him so he usually gives up after realizing he is getting further away from where he wants to go.
I am really afraid of jinxing myself but MJ is a much better sleeper lately, he is sleeping through the night more often then not...but not EVERY night. boo

I finally let someone that wasnt family watch the baby...even if its just for 45min increments a few times a week. I finally joined a gym here in the QC. I love it bc of the daycare so I dont have to wait for Matt to get home to get my fitness on.

alright here are some pics of the last few weeks:


  1. He looks an awful lot like mommy!

  2. Love this nugget!! I also love that you guys are dressed the same... and that I can see the exact drool that had you phone out on commission for a few days :)

  3. I see Charley faithfully standing guard in the background!!
