Fiona Elizabeth Morris is 1 month old (already)!
As I get adjusted to having 2 little ones I plan on writing more posts...
I definitley have more energy now that I am not carrying that extra 45lbs but keeping up with these 2 babies is exhausting but lots of fun.
MJ is talking a lot now...some of which we understand. He loves his sister most of the time and kisses her head and hands and feet daily. Fiona loves to eat which has helped mama melt this baby weight off....almost there!
I cant believe I have 2 babies under 2yo. I feel so lucky and happy and emotional and crazy and busy.
Here are some pics to get ya up to speed of our life in the last 6 weeks. Its been an amazing whirlwind.
March 28th |
April 29th MJ/Daddy day at Putnam Museum for the Dino exhibit |
In big brother's pj's |
enjoying chocolate ice cream |
my lil family :) |