In my previous post, I mentioned that I sometimes missed being pregnant and its true.Being pregnant was like being in a really cool club. The Pregnancy club....suddenly coworkers that ignored you, want to share their experiences, strangers go out of their way to hold doors open and let you ahead of them in line for the bathroom, aquaintances ask how you are feeling all the time, friends ask questions about the baby, other mama's smile at you in the grocery store, and other pregnant women are like old comrades that you can share all details with....its like everyone is HAPPY for you. Its a great club to be in! All in all I had a great pregnancy with MJ and I liked being pregnant, even when my walk turned to a waddle and my ankles looked like Fred Flinstones.....but I must confess, there is another club that I am loving even more....
The mama club!!! It feels a lot like the other club except many people love to share funny stories and give you nice compliments about your child, I still get lots of questions about MJ and he is a great conversation starter for meeting new people. The mom's club is great bc I get to be MJ's mom. He's funny but def has a serious mug, he is a rough and tumble boy but loves to cuddle when he's sleepy, he loves to eat anytime anywhere, he loves to wave hello to Charley but hates saying bye to Matt in the morning. He loves to explore and hates to sleep. He loves to observe and doesnt sit still much anymore. I've enjoyed being his mother for all of his 10 monthes sooo much. My first Mother's day was great. Spent the day with my boys, got some cute cards, ate a great dinner, had a nice long shower, and cuddled with my monster before bedtime.
Happy Mother's day to my momThank you for your unconditional love, patience, thoughtfulness, sacrifices, and support.
Happy Mother's day to my mother in law. Thank you for raising such a great son because now he is a great husband and phenomenal father.
I love you both!