How far along? 36 weeks!!!
Total weight gain: 30lbs
How much does the baby weigh? At my 35 week check up, he was estimated to weigh 6lb 9oz....big boy!
Maternity clothes? I have a little collection but thanks to my great friend (caitlin) I have a bunch of new things to choose from for the next several weeks!!!
Sleep? It must be my body getting me ready for the lack of sleep (or the 30lbs I put on) but I cant sleep more than 2 hours without waking up to either turn over or to run to the bathroom.
Best moment of the week? Cleaning out my classroom and wrapping things up at school, summer break is 2 days away. So excited to be done with school and be able to focus on the baby!!
Movement: All day every day...when I'm really hungry he moves around like crazy, right after I eat, he moves around like crazy. After drinking cold water, he moves around like crazy!
Food cravings: Early on, it was root its red meat, I want big juicy cheeseburgers ALL THE TIME! (eww, and i like the occasional slim jim)
Labor signs? not really, feels like the baby has dropped lower but no contractions or anything yet
Belly or out? It is a full blown outtie that occasionally hurts. Its not purty, its actually pretty bizarre looking.
What I miss? Sushi and baseball game hot dogs (I had a dream about eating sushi with my ob/gyn dr in the delivery room)
What I'm looking forward to... My next doctors appt...which is tomorrow, I may be picking a birthday for my boy :)
Milestone:Looking forward to my son's birthday!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010
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